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Bid Classification: 
Bid Type:  Pre-Qualification
Bid Number:  PQ-19-255
Bid Status:  Awarded
Bid Awarded Date:  Fri Feb 21, 2020 (EST)
Published Date:  Thu Sep 26, 2019 11:00:00 AM (EDT)
Bid Closing Date:  Thu Nov 7, 2019 1:00:00 PM (EST)
Electronic Auctions:  Not Applicable
Language for Bid Submissions:  English unless specified in the bid document
Submission Type:  Hard Copy Submissions Only
Submission Address:  17250 Yonge Street, Room 12030 Procurement Office (Main Floor)
Public Opening:  No


Brief Description:  This Request for Pre-Qualification (RFPQ) is open to all contractors who wish to be pre-qualified as general contractors, mechanical and electrical subcontractors for the construction of the York Regional Police #1 District Headquarters building at 429 Harry Walker Parkway in the Town of Newmarket.


Meeting:  The Bidders’ Meeting will be held on October 9, 2019 commencing at 2:00 pm at the York Regional Police Headquarters located at 47 Don Hillock Drive in the Town of Aurora.  All attendees must RSVP prior to October 7, 2019. 


Certificate of Recognition (CORTM):  Any Bids received from Bidders who have not registered for the CORTM Safety Program with the IHSA shall be rejected from further consideration.

Queries:  All Queries regarding the RFPQ documents shall be directed to Susan Hope, Senior Purchasing Analyst, Procurement Office Tel: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 71695 Email: Please state the document number when inquiring about this RFPQ. 



Bid Document Access:  Bid document preview, bid opportunity, and award notices are available on the site free of charge. Suppliers are not required to register for a bid opportunity prior to previewing unsecured bid documents. Please note, some documents may be secured and you will be required to register for the bid to download and view the documents. To obtain an unsecured version of the bid document and/or to participate in this opportunity, an annual or a per bid fee must be paid (annual fee - $439.90, per bid fee - $132.04).
Categories:  Show Categories [+]
  • Construction
    • Building & Renovation

Meeting Details

The following are the meeting details for the Bid:

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This information is only available to invited bidders and registered plan takers. To view this information you must login to your account.
This information is only available to invited bidders and registered plan takers. To view this information you must login to your account.

Awarded Summary

March 20, 2020


Re:   Request for Pre-qualification (RFPQ) No. PQ-19-255 for the General Contractors, Mechanical and Electrical Subcontractors for the Construction of the York Regional Police #1 District Headquarters at 429 Harry Walker Parkway in the Town of Newmarket

The Regional Municipality of York would like to thank you for responding to the Request for Pre-Qualification PQ-19-255.  After evaluation, we are pleased to advise the following contractors have been prequalified.

General Contractors

  1. Aquicon Construction Co. Ltd.
  2. Buttcon Limited
  3. Century Group Inc.
  4. Chandos Construction Ltd.
  5. Jasper Construction Corp.
  6. JR Certus Construction Co. Ltd.
  7. Matheson Constructors Limited

Electrical Subcontractors

  1. Accel Electrical Contractors Limited
  2. CEC Services Limited (Aurora)
  3. Everbrite Industries Ltd.

Mechanical Subcontractors

  1. Pipe All Plumbing & Heating Ltd.

Prequalified contractors will be notified when the subsequent tender is being released. 

Please contact me if you have any further questions.

Susan Hope, CPPB

Senior Purchasing Analyst

Procurement Office    


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Bids Submitted

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Plan Takers

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